Soltura Cuba Tours Continue Unaffected Despite Trump’s Policy

To Soltura Cuba Travelers,

You may have heard the news regarding Trump’s policy on Cuba. We want to assure you of what the facts are as we know them on the ground. The announcement made by the State Department should have no effect on our trip. The US media has been confusing some of the facts. For example, one media source announced that Cuba was no longer issuing tourist visas to Americans, while the truth is that the US embassy is no longer issuing visas to Cubans who wish to visit the US. This is simply because there will not be enough embassy staff to process visas for Cubans.

We want to assure you that there is no negative sentiment here toward US citizens. In fact the entire security force of Cuba has been fully cooperating with the US in the investigation into the sonic incidents that damaged a few embassy workers. Several highly regarded US scientists have concluded that it would have been impossible to have intentionally done this. It was likely faulty covert listening devices. No US tourists have been harmed. There is zero change in the laws regarding US visits to Cuba. The union of US diplomats is protesting the withdrawal of embassy workers from the US embassy in Havana.

Additionally, Cuba has been rebuilding after Hurricane Irma very quickly. The long-term damage done to Havana appears to be minimal, and mostly limited to vegetation. 99% of the electricity in the country is back up. Trinidad and Viñales we’re unaffected by the hurricane. Cuba has been rapidly rebuilding its tourism infrastructure, and is ready to receive tourists in the upcoming tourist season.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at We look forward to our ongoing trips throughout Cuba.


Ian Sergeant

State Department orders nonessential diplomats and families out of Cuba following mysterious attacks


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